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Holi 2023: What is Holi and Why Holi is celebrated

  Holi 2023   Holi is a Hindu Festival.It is the festival of Colour. The festival is celebrated almost all over the India.This festival celebrated in the Spring season.Spring season is called Basanta Rutu in Indian language.It is composed of two month Falguna and Chaitra of Hindu Calendar. This festival is celebrated for two day.In the first day Holika Dahan ( Burning of Holika ) is observed and in the second day Colourfull Holi festival is celebrated.Holika Dahan is observed on Falguna Purnima tithi ( Full moon day ) of Hindu Calendar.The Colourfull Holi festival observes on Chaitra Krishna Paksha Pratipada tithi ( First day of Chaitra month ) of Hindu Calendar. In this year Holika Dahan falls on 7 March 2023 and Holi falls on 8 March 2023 of the Gregorian Calendar.In Holika Dahan a lot of wood are kept in one place for burning. The wood are then burned.People moves around the fire.Some people try to jump over the fire.In Holi festival Hindu People smear   powder col...
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